You’re a health + wellness practitioner who wants a thriving practice. 
One that has a steady flow of people…and income…a reliable waitlist…and work/life balance too.

Simple enough right?  😉

But if 
Right Now...

  •  You're not as booked as you want to be (maybe not even close) but aren't sure what to do to get more people through your doors...
  • ​Your bookings are inconsistent: some days are busy, others are dead and you're left wondering "what am I missing?"...
  • You are making WAY less money than you imagined. Perhaps barely getting by and ideally you want to do this FULL TIME (maybe quit that other job or second clinic)...
  • You're just getting started and want to avoid mistakes and build your business right the first time around (I like your style) ...
  • You're busy doing all the marketing "stuff" but it's not actually leading to more bookings or money...

It can feel overwhelming knowing where to start or what to do to fill your schedule.

"It's going to take you 5+ years to get fully booked" 

"Selling is sleazy and pushy"

"You need to be an expert, have a lead magnet"

"It's going to take you 5+ years to get fully booked" 

"Selling is sleazy and pushy"

"You need to be an expert, have a lead magnet, a program, do reels"

"It's going to take you 5+ years to get fully booked" 

"Selling is sleazy and pushy"

"You need to be an expert, have a lead magnet"

"It's going to take you 5+ years to get fully booked" 

"Selling is sleazy and pushy"

"You need to be an expert and have a lead magnet"

Before you start doubting your abilities or career choice, 
let me assure you: building a real, genuine, FULLY BOOKED practice requires NONE of these things.

(and can be a whole lot simpler than it's made out to be)

In Fact...

We built our Sports Therapy Clinic from 0 to fully booked in 4.5 months and now consistently have a 2-3 week waitlist.

Without being a slave to social media 

(at our peak, we posted 2x per week)

Without a ton of time or money


And without having a huge network 


This wasn't "beginner's luck"


And it's not just us! Routinely my clients get fully booked within 2-18 months of us working together.

In Fact...

We built our Sports Therapy Clinic from 0 to fully booked in 4.5 months and now consistently have a 2-3 week waitlist.

Without being a slave to social media 

(at our peak, we posted 2x per week)

Without a ton of time or money


And without having a huge network 


This wasn't "beginner's luck"


And it's not just us! Routinely my clients get fully booked within 2-18 months of us working together.

A Little
Bit Different...

 My approach is probably different that what you see online.

 If you’ve invested in general business courses led by coaches who aren’t in health + wellness…it’s no surprise if they left you busier and more overwhelmed than before.

Cookie-cutter "big-brand" strategy isn't as effective as simple plans tailored to YOUR unique practice + local market 

 If you’ve been waiting on your clinic or word of mouth to fill your schedule…it’s pretty likely you’re slowing down your growth, delaying your own success. 

My approach to getting (and staying) fully booked is NOT about discounts, flashy marketing, waiting patiently, or pressuring people to work with you.

It’s about doing the RIGHT things
...less of them, and better.
  • ​Putting real business foundations in place - the stuff you never learned in school and can't see from scrolling websites or IG feeds 
  • Positioning yourself as a stand-out-easy-yes option for your people – no expert status required
  • Leveraging smart behind-the-scenes strategies that actually lead to consistent, high-quality bookings
So every month gets easier AND busier than the last, snowballing until you’ve created a self-sustaining machine and you’re saying “I’ll have to add you to the waitlist”

Booked Up Blueprint is the step-by-step program for health + wellness practitioners who are ready to build a thriving, fully booked practice but don't know how to get there, and don't want to waste time or money to guess, test and figure it out on their own.

I have cracked the formula for fully booked
(literally - I have a mathematical formula that will show how YOU can be fully booked this year) 

And I am handing it over to YOU.
(At a fraction of the price of working with me 1-on-1)
Including everything you need to "copy + paste" into your own practice.

You can do everything to build + maintain a fully booked practice in about 4 hours a week. No more getting overwhelmed by #allthethings

I have cracked the formula for getting fully booked 
(literally - I have a mathematical formula that will show how YOU can be fully booked this year) 

And I am handing it over to YOU.
(At a fraction of the price of working with me 1-on-1)
Including everything you need to "copy + paste" into your own practice.

You can do everything to build + maintain a fully booked practice in about 4 hours a week. No more getting overwhelmed by #allthethings

This is for...

  • Chiropractors
  • ​Naturopaths
  • ​Massage Therapists + Bodyworkers
  • ​Acupuncturists
  • ​Reiki Practitioners + Energy Workers
  • ​Physiotherapists
  • ​Osteopaths
  • ​Homeopaths
  • ​Functional Doctors
  • ​Holistic Nutritionists
  • ​Athletic Therapists
  • ​Therapists + Social Workers
  • ​Clinic Owners + Solo Practitioners
  • ​Associates
  • Practitioners working online or in person
  • ​Selling programs of single appointments

This is For...

  • Chiropractors
  • ​Naturopaths
  • ​Massage Therapists + Bodyworkers
  • ​Acupuncturists
  • ​Reiki Practitioners + Energy Workers
  • ​Physiotherapists
  • ​Osteopaths
  • ​Homeopaths
  • ​Functional Doctors
  • ​Holistic Nutritionists
  • ​Athletic Therapists
  • ​Therapists + Social Workers
  • ​Clinic Owners
  • ​Associates
  • ​Solo Practitioners

Here's What You'll Do

Module One


No more confusion on what to do or wasting time moving in the wrong direction.  Success starts with a solid strategy and that's exactly what this module covers. You'll define your exact path forward based on your unique goals, practice and local market conditions. Gain a renewed sense of excitement, motivation + clarity  that only a data-driven strategy can ignite. 


  • A crystal clear vision for where you're heading.
  • Deep dive analysis of how your practice is really doing, based on the the numbers. Plug in a few key numbers and my formula will show you exactly how to hit your goals.
  • ​A simple 10 minute process for monthly tracking so you can course correct in real time and see your progress as you grow!
  • ​Your own custom strategy and a roadmap you can follow through the course step-by-step to help fill your schedule the most direct way for YOU. No cookie-cutter plans or you "must post 5x a week"

Module Two


Building a thriving practice gets WAY (like wayyy) easier when you're positioned as a stand-out-easy-yes-option for your people (so you don't have to work so hard convincing people). Creating a strong brand and message that works for you is KEY to this.  In this module, you'll get clear on WHO and HOW to confidently share what you do so you become a magnet for the right people.  


  • A clearly defined "multi-level" focus to help you stand out and get noticed without pigeon-holing yourself.
  • Super solid understanding of WHO your ideal patients/clients are so you can genuinely connect with them without feeling pushy and THEY feel like they’ve hit the jackpot finding you 
  • Killer stand-out messaging that will carry you through the rest of the program. Use it on your website, in-clinic, every bit of marketing and communication you do...DONE. Examples, templates + step-by-step all provided.
  • An online presence that let's you get found and allows passive bookings to grow over time.

Module Three


If it feels like no matter what you do, you're staying at the same level and can just not get busier...we've got to look at retention. When retention is a challenge, growth is nearly impossible without spending TONS of time and money on marketing. And optimizing your retention isn't about being pushy or salesy. It's actually super simple, low-tech, genuinely patient-centred AND one of the easiest ways to grow. 


*You won't need to do everything in this module. Which retention systems you use will be based on your custom roadmap in Module 1.*
  • ​Increase retention as much as 300% using just a few of the 6 retention systems in this module.
  • ​ Create a signature program (online or in clinic) to increase adherence, get better results, leverage your time AND market your services more easily. #winning
  • ​Master your in-clinic communication to have people asking YOU to re-book before they leave. Retention with no work required.
  •  Simple automated communication systems for boosting retention, maintaining patient results and re-invigorating those people who have fallen off.
  • A 2 hour per MONTH strategy for building a community of  loyal, lifelong clients who love what you do and are your biggest supporters.

Module Four


If you want NEW bookings, NEW people need to know about you. This module will help you get visible in the right places and turn interest into actual bookings...even if you have a small (or no) social media following and get nervous "putting yourself out there".  No more feeling like there's not enough people. There is more than enough demand and it's time capitalize on it.


*You won't need to do everything in this module. Which gain systems you use will be based on your custom roadmap in Module 1.*
  • A proven automated lead generation system. Because if you're only trying to get bookings straight from social media or your website, it's not going to cut it. THIS right here lets you "sell" without feeling salesy.
  • ​An enticing free offer that attracts quality clients and converts to new bookings on average 75-100% of the time...without needing to discount or provide free services. 
  • ​​Ongoing marketing plan (including content calendar + strategy) for finding people in need of your services. Use the best free + paid marketing strategies in the industry today from social media to SEO, workshops and more. (And don't HAVE to use social media)

Module Five


Amplify your efforts and snowball your growth by building a network that works for you (even if you're just starting out or know no-one). These systems turn your practice into a self-sustaining machine to create stability in your practice long term.  


*You won't need to do everything in this module. Which gain systems you use will be based on your custom roadmap in Module 1.*
  • A completed database of everyone who will refer you like crazy (once you do the strategy 👇)
  • No-brainer system plus all the scripts, email templates + follow-ups for getting referrals, testimonials + reviews without being pushy.
  • ​A Done-For-You system for connecting with medical doctors, local businesses and other practitioners. Network the productive way to create authentic partnerships and referral relationships so you can sit back and let the business come in.

Yes - this program is about getting fully booked. 

But really it's about what fully booked allows you to do.

  • Not worry where your next bookings will come from or whether you'll make rent. You know there's plenty
  • ​​Be able to take weekends off, vacations, save for a house, pay your student loans...without feeling squeezed 
  • ​​Feel aligned and balanced vs. overwhelmed and nearing burnout
  • ​Do less marketing and still hit or surpass your income goals
  • ​Feel more clear and in control of your future and business
  • ​Choose your clients vs desperately taking anyone
  • Abundantly dream of expansion, creating programs or hiring...whatever your next level looks like 
  • ​Have confidence in your value as a practitioner AND business owner
  • ​See the real impact of your work with amazing client outcomes and glowing reviews
  • ​KNOW you are doing what you were meant to do and actually enjoying it.
*these are ALL benefits past BUB members have shared as a result of this program

Yes - this program is about getting fully booked. 

But really it's about what fully booked allows you to do.

  • Not worry where your next bookings will come from or whether you'll make rent. You know there's plenty
  • ​​Be able to take weekends off, vacations, save for a house, pay your student loans...without feeling squeezed 
  • ​​Feel aligned and balanced vs. overwhelmed and nearing burnout
  • ​Do less marketing and still hit or surpass your income goals
  • ​Feel more clear and in control of your future and business
  • ​Choose your clients vs desperately taking anyone
  • Abundantly dream of expansion, creating programs or hiring...whatever your next level looks like 
  • ​Have confidence in your value as a practitioner AND business owner
  • ​See the real impact of your work with amazing client outcomes and glowing reviews
  • ​KNOW you are doing what you were meant to do and actually enjoying it.
*these are ALL benefits past BUB members have shared as a result of this program

Here's How It Works



Goals change, weeks get busy and life can sometimes take us off course. I get that and I never want you to feel rushed or "behind". 

That's why you have lifetime access to the BUB program course content, the resource vault, bonuses and any future updates. PLUS a YEAR of access to the Private Member's Group (and add-on options for both group + 1:1 calls). Go at your own pace, re-visit whenever and as often as you want.

Booked Up Blueprint is here as long as you need.

I have seen no other program like this for health + wellness practitioners. It is everything I saw missing in clinician education.

Your schools teach you all they can about the human body...except how to actually get those bodies into your practice (and keep 'em happily coming back).

It's no wonder studies show that 75% of practitioners are still struggling to earn a solid income after 5 years.

And when your options are: spend thousands for "big box" programs that leave you wanting more, or spend years trying to figure it out on your can leave you feeling more confused and overwhelmed than you started.

When my massage therapist told me I was her only massage that week (at $100!) I knew I had to start sharing my decade of experience and years of business education.

Because I believe in the value of what you do (you ALL have healed me many times - thanks auto-immune disease 🙋‍♀️). And you deserve more than barely scraping by or working yourself to exhaustion just to make a solid income.

Let's Talk Bonuses!


Because I just can't help myself! 🤗

Bonus One: Save Your Social Course ($400) 

  • You don't need to be an influencer or have a big following to use social media to grow your practice...but you do need to use it right, otherwise it's just a waste of time.
  • This "instant action" mini-course will help you put the right strategy in place to plan, create and execute your social media without becoming a slave to the 'gram
  •  All the caption templates, story ideas, DM scripts you need plus tons of other templates, worksheets, how-to's and tutorials to get social working for you! People love this course!

Bonus Two: Make Friends with Facebook Ads Course ($300) 

  • I never like to say there's a "magic pill" in business but using paid advertising can significantly speed up your growth, helping you get more visibility, leads and bookings IF YOU USE IT CORRECTLY. If not, it can be a huge waste of money.
  • ​This mini-course is all action, no fluff with step-by-step tutorials for setting up your strategy, pixels, audiences and ads manager the right way
  • ​Includes templates, tips and testing processes for creating winning ads that get you in front of more of your dream clients. 

Bonus Three: The Practitioner's Schedule ($250) 

  • Calendar template and tutorial to create your own custom calendar based on the proven "practitioner's schedule". No more feeling like you never have time!
  • ​Always know exactly what  to be working on and WHEN you’ll get it all done. Just check your schedule each day and complete those tasks to get more done in a week than you normally do all month!

Bonus Four: DFY New Clinic Marketing Plan ($150) 

  • ​With everything that goes into opening your own business, sometimes marketing becomes an after-thought when really it is SO important to building initial momentum. 
  • Start your new venture off STRONG by following this done-for-you plan and checklists to make a splash, generate initial bookings and say goodbye to marketing overwhelm!

My Promise 
to You

I'm not selling quick fixes or magic pills here. 

You've got to do the work. But the work isn't's smart.

And I have taken out ALL the guesswork. I have designed this to walk you through everything start to finish, step-by-step. 
No experience needed. 

Even if you've been disappointed by other programs before

You've been overwhelmed trying "business stuff" on your own

You're introverted, hate social media or "putting yourself out there"

And even though I'm on the other side of this computer (and perhaps the other side of the world), I am here for you every step of the way ❤︎
I'm not selling quick fixes or magic pills here. 

You've got to do the work. But the work isn't's smart.

And I have taken out ALL the guesswork. I have designed this to walk you through everything start to finish, step-by-step. 
No experience needed. 

Even if you've been disappointed by other programs before

You've been overwhelmed trying "business stuff" on your own

You're introverted, hate social media or "putting yourself out there"

And even though I'm on the other side of this computer (and perhaps the other side of the world), I am here for you every step of the way ❤︎

Approach is Over.

It's time to stop guessing and instead, follow the steps in your own clear + custom path. Time to use tried and tested systems that bring in consistent bookings.

Shave years off your path to fully booked being supported by someone who has done this many times. 

When you do...your business (and life) can transform faster than you think.

It's time to stop guessing and instead, follow the steps in your own clear + custom path. Time to use tried and tested systems that bring in consistent bookings.

Shave years off your path to fully booked being supported by someone who has done this many times. 

When you do...your business (and life) can transform faster than you think.



  THE SIGNATURE BUB PROGRAM ▷ Instant access to the Signature BUB Program with step-by-step video trainings  (VALUE $3000)

  BONUS ONE: SAVE YOUR SOCIAL COURSE ▷ Instant Action Plans, caption templates, scheduling + growth tools to maximize your social media  (VALUE $400)

  DONE-FOR-YOU RESOURCES ▷ All the scripts, templates, spreadsheets, cheatsheets, how-to's and tech set-up guides you'll need (VALUE $1500)

  BONUS TWO: MAKE FRIENDS WITH FACEBOOK ADS COURSE  ▷ Step-by-step tutorials + templates to launch Facebook + Instagram ads properly  (VALUE $300)

  ACCESS TO PRIVATE MEMBER'S GROUP ▷ Private Facebook group for you to get feedback, bonus trainings, ask questions + network 24/7 with me + other bad*ss practitioners  (VALUE $1000)

  BONUS THREE: THE PRACTITIONER'S SCHEDULE ▷ Template + tutorial to create a productive weekly schedule that fits everything in  (VALUE $250)

  ONGOING ACCESS ▷ Lifetime access to course materials, resources AND all future updates plus a YEAR of access to the  member's group (PRICELESS!)

  BONUS FOUR: DFY NEW CLINIC MARKETING PLAN ▷ A ready made marketing plan to start your new business off on the right foot  (VALUE $150)

  30-DAY GUARANTEE ▷ Get started totally risk free (INVALUABLE!)

Total Value: $6600


Pay in Full + Save 1 Payment

$1300 usd

3 Payments of

$475 usd

6 Payments of

$245 usd

Pay in Full + Save 2 Payments

$1200 usd

(Regularly $1500)

5 Payments of

$265 usd

(includes $300 off the price)

10 Payments of

$145 usd

(includes $300 off the price)


  THE SIGNATURE BUB PROGRAM ▷ Instant access to the Signature BUB Program with step-by-step video trainings (VALUE $3000)

  DONE-FOR-YOU RESOURCES ▷ All the scripts, templates, spreadsheets, cheatsheets, how-to's and tech set-up guides you'll need (VALUE $1500)

  1 YEAR ACCESS TO PRIVATE MEMBER'S GROUP ▷ Private Facebook group for you to get feedback, bonus trainings, ask questions + network 24/7 with me + other bad*ss practitioners  (VALUE $1000)

  ONGOING ACCESS ▷ Lifetime access to course materials, resources AND all future updates plus a YEAR of access to the member's group (PRICELESS!)

  30 DAY GUARANTEE ▷ Get started totally risk free (INVALUABLE)


  BONUS ONE: SAVE YOUR SOCIAL PROGRAM ▷ Instant Action Plans, caption templates, scheduling + growth tools to maximize your social media (VALUE $400)

  BONUS TWO: MAKE FRIENDS WITH FACEBOOK ADS COURSE ▷ Step-by-step tutorials + templates to launch Facebook + Instagram ads properly (VALUE $300)

  BONUS THREE: THE PRACTITIONER'S SCHEDULE ▷ Template + tutorial to create a productive weekly schedule that fits everything in (VALUE $250)

  BONUS FOUR: DFY NEW CLINIC MARKETING PLAN ▷ A ready made marketing plan to start your new business off on the right foot (VALUE $150)

Total Value: $6,600


Pay in Full + Save 1 Payment

$1300 usd

3 Payments of

$475 usd

6 Payments of

$240 usd

Pay in Full + Save 2 Payments

$1200 usd

(Regularly $1500)

5 Payments of

$265 usd

(includes $300 off the price)

10 Payments of

$145 usd

(includes $300 off the price)


For practitioners who are serious about filling their schedule and want to be fully committed, or know they want (or need) more hands-on/interactive support, you have the option to upgrade to be a BUB VIP! As a VIP member you'll also receive bi-weekly support calls for 3 months (with option to extend) where you can join Kate and an intimate group of fellow practitioners every 2 weeks work 1:1 with Kate, ask questions, get feedback, stay accountable and on track
UPGRADE ~ $300
You'll have the option to add this upgrade at check-out
Everything above is offered 100% risk free for 30 days if for some reason you're not satisfied with this program. Simply reach out within the 30 days and show me that you've done the work, shown up for the calls and have taken some action and you'll be refunded in full.

To confirm: you MUST do the work. This program is designed for practitioners who are ready to see a change. To make more money, fill their schedule and move themselves forward The work is not hard...but you do have to do it.
And after seeing so many transform their businesses I’m totally confident you’re going to love what's inside this program .

Stop postponing your profits 
+ delaying your success

I hope you see...

You do not have to struggle along.
Success is YOURS to claim.

And I am here to help you get there starting NOW.

Hey! I'm Kate

I’m a business coach for health + wellness practitioners and a clinic owner myself.

In the past decade I’ve built 6 businesses from the ground up working with hundreds of clients, thousands of customers and health + wellness practitioners of all kinds to double my income nearly ever year for 6 years.

I sincerely love supporting practitioners to go from struggling to fill a full day to booking up with a waitlist in a way that’s strategic, and relationship based rather than hustling 24/7 with pushy sales tactics 🤢 

In fact, everyday I'm practicing what I preach (and literally using the same scripts + templates) in our own fully-booked-with-a-waitlist clinic. 

As a classic recovering perfectionist, I've realized there is no one handing out prizes for who does the MOST to grow a business. Doing more usually leaves you burnt out and no further ahead. That's why I focus on high-impact, streamlined systems in my own businesses and teach the same. 

Let's do less, make more and have more fun doing it!

I can't wait to work with you!

I’m a business coach for health + wellness practitioners and a clinic owner myself.

In the past decade I’ve built 6 businesses from the ground up working with hundreds of clients, thousands of customers and health + wellness practitioners of all kinds to double my income nearly ever year for 6 years.

I sincerely love supporting practitioners to go from struggling to fill a full day to booking up with a waitlist in a way that’s strategic, and relationship based rather than hustling 24/7 with pushy sales tactics 🤢 

In fact, everyday I'm practicing what I preach (and literally using the same scripts + templates) in our own fully-booked clinic. 

As a classic recovering perfectionist, I've realized there is no one handing out prizes for who does the MOST to grow a business. I've actually found doing more usually leaves you burnt out and no further ahead. That's why I focus on high-impact strategies and streamlined systems in my own businesses and teach you the same. 

Let's do less, make more and have more fun doing it!

I can't wait to work with you!


  THE SIGNATURE BUB PROGRAM ▷ Instant access to the Signature BUB Program with step-by-step video trainings (VALUE $3000)

  DONE-FOR-YOU RESOURCES ▷ All the scripts, templates, spreadsheets, cheatsheets, how-to's and tech set-up guides you'll need (VALUE $1500)

  1 YEAR ACCESS TO PRIVATE MEMBER'S GROUP ▷ Private Facebook group for you to get feedback, bonus trainings, ask questions + network 24/7 with me + other bad*ss practitioners  (VALUE $1000)

  ONGOING ACCESS ▷ Lifetime access to course materials, resources AND all future updates plus a YEAR of access to the member's group (PRICELESS!)

  30 DAY GUARANTEE ▷ Get started totally risk free (INVALUABLE)


  BONUS ONE: SAVE YOUR SOCIAL PROGRAM ▷ Instant Action Plans, caption templates, scheduling + growth tools to maximize your social media (VALUE $400)

  BONUS TWO: MAKE FRIENDS WITH FACEBOOK ADS COURSE ▷ Step-by-step tutorials + templates to launch Facebook + Instagram ads properly (VALUE $300)

  BONUS THREE: THE PRACTITIONER'S SCHEDULE ▷ Template + tutorial to create a productive weekly schedule that fits everything in (VALUE $250)

  BONUS FOUR: DFY NEW CLINIC MARKETING PLAN ▷ A ready made marketing plan to start your new business off on the right foot (VALUE $150)

Total Value: $6,600


Pay in Full + Save 1 Payment

$1300 usd

3 Payments of

$475 usd

6 Payments of

$240 usd

Pay in Full + Save 2 Payments

$1200 usd

(Regularly $1500)

5 Payments of

$265 usd

(includes $300 off the price)

10 Payments of

$145 usd

(includes $300 off the price)



  THE SIGNATURE BUB PROGRAM ▷ Instant access to the Signature BUB Program with step-by-step video trainings  (VALUE $3000)

  BONUS ONE: SAVE YOUR SOCIAL COURSE ▷ Instant Action Plans, caption templates, scheduling + growth tools to maximize your social media  (VALUE $400)

  DONE-FOR-YOU RESOURCES ▷ All the scripts, templates, spreadsheets, cheatsheets, how-to's and tech set-up guides you'll need (VALUE $1500)

  BONUS TWO: MAKE FRIENDS WITH FACEBOOK ADS COURSE  ▷ Step-by-step tutorials + templates to launch Facebook + Instagram ads properly  (VALUE $300)

  1 YEAR ACCESS TO PRIVATE MEMBER'S GROUP ▷ Private Facebook group for you to get feedback, bonus trainings, ask questions + network 24/7 with me + other bad*ss practitioners  (VALUE $1000)

  BONUS THREE: THE PRACTITIONER'S SCHEDULE ▷ Template + tutorial to create a productive weekly schedule that fits everything in  (VALUE $250)

  ONGOING ACCESS ▷ Lifetime access to course materials, resources AND all future updates plus a YEAR of access to the  member's group (PRICELESS!)

  BONUS FOUR: DFY NEW CLINIC MARKETING PLAN ▷ A ready made marketing plan to start your new business off on the right foot  (VALUE $150)

  30-DAY GUARANTEE ▷ Get started totally risk free (INVALUABLE!)

Total Value: $6600


Pay in Full + Save 1 Payment

$1300 usd

3 Payments of

$475 usd

6 Payments of

$245 usd

Pay in Full + Save 2 Payments

$1200 usd

(Regularly $1500)

5 Payments of

$265 usd

(includes $300 off the price)

10 Payments of

$145 usd

(includes $300 off the price)

A portion of every program purchased goes to Kurandza and their Holistic Education Program in Mozambique. This program provides girls with lessons about nutrition and health, empowerment and leadership, and also provides a creative outlet for the girls to explore sports and the arts.

For more details on who you will be supporting you can click the link below

Frequently Asked Questions
As soon as you purchase, you'll be emailed a login to your course dashboard where you'll will find the whole program: your video lessons and accompanying workbooks, resources, bonuses, etc. 

You  have lifetime access to this and can go through at your own pace.

You'll also be provided a link to join the Private Member's Group where you have 1 year of 24/7 access.  

If you choose the optional VIP Upgrade those calls will take place on Zoom with reminders and replays sent via email.
You have lifetime access to the program content, resources and, bonuses PLUS a year of access to the private members group. I don't believe in giving you 3 months to rush through, cram it all in and then leave you high and dry. I and the Booked Up Blueprint program are here for you while you build your practice at your own speed.

If you choose the optional VIP Upgrade you will also receive access to bi-weekly group coaching calls for all of 2023. 

You will also have the option to extend access to the group and/or calls after the year is up for a small monthly subscription so you really can have support as long as you need.
Even though this is a self paced program, there are A LOT of options for support.

Everyone receives:
1. Private Member's Group: Everyone receives a YEAR of access to the private Member's Group on Facebook. You can use this 24/7 to ask questions, get feedback on your work, troubleshoot, share wins, work on mindset (I share regular mindset and accountability prompts) and even network with the other like-minded practitioners
2. Email Check-ins: I aim to check-in with everyone every month or so to keep you accountable and moving forward

If you know you're someone who wants/needs more support, there are 2 other options:
1. Optional VIP Upgrade: Receive coaching calls every 2 weeks for 20223 to connect with Kate and an intimate group of other practitioners to work more closely with Kate, ask questions, map out plans and keep you motivated. The calls alternate days/times to accommodate time zones and schedules. You'll also receive replays for calls if you can't make them. If you'd like this optional upgrade, you can select it at check-out.
2. 1:1 Calls with Kate: If you're working on something specific you always have the option to book 75 minute 1:1 calls at a reduced rate on an as needed basis. These are great for working on messaging, mapping out workshops, programs or project plans that need a bit more detailed support (and my copywriting brain).  These are available once inside the program . No need to purchase or decide now - they're just there for you IF needed.

These are both 100% optional. The program has been designed to allow you to thrive without but are there for those who wish to have full accountability and support
Not to toot my own horn but this program is VERY different than what I've seen out there (in a great way):

1. Less fluff. More action with exact how-to's for every step. 
2. It's specifically for health + wellness practitioners who have a 1:1 model - either in person or online and want to fill their schedule. 
3. There's not ONE cookie-cutter method everyone follows. BUB helps you create your own custom plan based on actual data, your local conditions and goals
4. I'm not just "teaching you social media" or "how to grow your email list" - everyone here has a common goal: fill their schedule consistently and we take a very focused approach to doing that vs trying every new marketing strategy that comes out
5. This is not focused primarily on social media. That's part of it (if you want) but only one piece of the puzzle
6. A YEAR of support + accountability. You're never on your own. You always have someone to get feedback from, bounce ideas off of and make sure you're on the right track within the Facebook Group.
7. I have a proven track record. I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, studied business in University and have spent over 11 years as an entrepreneur building 6 different businesses, multiple teams and earning millions in revenue. I've also supported hundreds of other practitioners on their journey over the past 5 years
8. I'm a clinic owner myself. Everyday I practice what I preach, use the exact same strategies, tools and templates that I share inside BUB. 
I get it! That's why you have lifetime access to the program content so you can go at your own pace.

To keep up momentum, I suggest you commit 3-5 hours per week. How long the program will take is dependent on other factors as well such as: the sales systems you choose in the program, how quickly you make decisions, what you already have set-up in your practice, how much of a perfectionist you are, how often you engage with the community etc.

I will say this: if your work-week is so full you can't spend even an hour going through the program you're either 1) fully booked and then you may not need/want this program or 2) you are spending WAY too much time on the WRONG things. If that's the case, you probably need this course more than anyone. I generally suggest in the beginning using the time you would have for MORE clients/patients to be growing your practice.
Yes! Many current/past BUB members are associates. If you're considered an independent contractor and you're not as booked as you want to be then this program definitely applies to you. Even if you're an associate within a clinic you can (and should) be building your own brand and business under the clinic umbrella so 1) you're not relying on the clinic for your bookings and 2) if/when you leave you have a community that will be much more loyal to you.

Everything in this course applies to you. Some of it there will be alternatives or differences in tech set-up based on differences in your access to booking systems.
Not at all. We don't have a large social media following. In fact, I didn't even have Instagram for almost the whole first year of this business. You do NOT need to have a large social media following to find success in this program or in your practice. 
Yes absolutely. Many of the BUB members work online or have a hybrid practice (both in person and online). BUB will help you put in place a strategy specific to your business model so you know how you can market, attract, retain and get referrals working online. 

If you don't have a program yet but want one, that's great too! One of the sales systems covered is creating + selling Signature Programs including a step-by-step checklist specifically for getting your program launched (and paid while you create it). As long as you consider yourself a "practitioner" vs a "coach" this will work for you

Note: I always like to to be very transparent. While we do cover how to start creating a program, what should be included, how it should be laid out etc, BUB does not go into the nitty gritty of how to create program content (ie: how to create a workbook or pre-record a video). That sort of tech support is something we discuss on calls or in the Facebook group. 
I like where your heads at! Joining this program 2-6 months before you open I think is one of the best things you can do to start your business off right because MUCH of what you would be doing in those days (and weeks) before you open is covered inside BUB: creating an overall strategy, mastering your message, getting your online presence set-up, back-end systems like treatment plans, signature programs, online booking and getting a solid marketing plan in place for initial bookings. 

If you can join even a MONTH before you open (or within your first few months open) it'll help make sure you do things right the first time around and you have the support that is always much needed in the early days of a new business!

Yes, the program has a 30 Day Try-it Test-it 100% money back guarantee. I REALLY stand behind this course. If you feel it isn't working, get in touch. Show me you have made a sincere effort within 30 days of purchase and I will refund you your entire purchase immediately.

By sincere effort, I mean you are actually doing the work: you have watched the trainings, completed the worksheets, shown up to the coaching calls (if a VIP), asked questions and engaged in the group. The work is not hard but you DO have to actually take action on this course to see results.

I try very hard to make it clear what this course is all about with detailed program details and a thorough FAQ. I want you to be able to be as certain as possible that this program is right for you. I do not offer refunds for buyer's remorse, changes to your personal, professional or financial situation,  if you no longer want the program or if you decide you don't have/want to make the time. 

Yes and no. That's like asking if you really needed a course to learn your clinical skillset. In theory, you could probably have Googled and Youtubed to find everything...IF you knew what you were looking for and had all the time to do it.

But you'd never do that. You get formal training so you can learn 1) The right way 2) get step-by-step instructions and support and 3)  see faster progress with fewer mistakes
That's the value in taking a course.

I believe your time is worth more than trial and erroring it.

This program is designed to save you time, grow you faster and help you earn MORE income than trying to figure it out on your own
Yes absolutely. I have worked with practitioners from HIGHLY regulated states/provinces and we also own a clinic that has strict advertising policies. All the strategies in here work for regulated practitioners and/or can be adapted to suit specific local regulations

Absolutely! I offer free strategy sessions where we can chat about where you are now, where you want to be and see if BUB is right for you.

Feel free to also email me directly if you have short/specific questions:

Pay in Full + Save 1 Payment

$1300 usd

3 Payments of

$475 usd

6 Payments of

$240 usd

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Any earnings or  examples shown here are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of Booked Up Blueprint. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website or the Booked Up Blueprint program. Your results are based on an infinite number of factors such as effort, consistency, personality traits, practice location, local competition, existing business knowledge, etc. With so many variables I cannot guarantee your exact results, income or success. I do believe I have given you the best blueprint but I am not responsible for your success or failure. Your time, effort, dedication and consistency is required to achieve results. You've got to do the work. You are solely responsible for your results. TESTIMONIALS: I present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my Website for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only. Per Facebook™ and Instagram™ rules, we must mention that this is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, Inc.
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